Category: Miscellaneous

Smuggler's Cove book

Navigating Smuggler’s Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki, by Martin and Rebecca Cate

A recent trend in the cocktail world is for high-end, world class “destination” bars and celebrity bartenders to further extend…

Checking out Mavenhal’s Bar Back bag

One result of my Instagram photos featuring my latest cocktail shenanigans is that when Mrs. Wonk and I are invited…

Will the Floome Portable Breathalyzer Blow Away the Competition?

As a techie with creds going back to the 1980s (ahem…), I relish the chance to mash together two of…

Reviewing Paul Clarke’s The Cocktail Chronicles: Navigating the Cocktail Renaissance with Jigger, Shaker & Glass

As an avowed wonk about all things spirited, I have a secret shame involving books about cocktails and drinking. I…