Category: Uncategorized

Moving Beyond Rum Categories – A Modest Proposal

I’ve been thinking a lot about rum categories lately, even…

An Open Letter to Authors Writing About Rum

Hey there! I hear you’re working on an article about…

Begone “Overproof” Rum!

In an era where many rum enthusiasts are focusing on…

Great Cringe-Free Gifts for Rum Enthusiasts

Picking out a gift for a friend or family member…

Independent Rum Bottlers: The Real Story

In the early of my rum wonkery, after exhausting the…

The Main Rum Company warehouse, Liverpool

The Main Rum Company: Vintage Cask Valhalla

The seaside city of Liverpool, England (yes, home of the…

The most important rum company you’ve never heard of: E&A Scheer – Rum Merchants to the World

Walking through the canal district of central Amsterdam can be…

Can Rum Survive Its Moment in the Sun?

In my all-too-infrequent visits to Seattle’s Rumba, I never fail…