Cocktail Wonk Rating: 8/10
The first thing you notice as you descend the stairs into Bugsy’s is its visual style, best described as mid-century New York glam, a throwback to an earlier, post-Prohibition era. It’s pristine, with nothing out of place. Curved ceilings, glass countertops, and extensive under-lighting, which dramatically highlights bottles on the back bar. Black leather booths line the wall opposite the long bar counter. White shirted, black bow-tied bartenders quickly and efficiently mix your drinks. You’ll definitely want to sit at the bar here.

The cocktail menu alone makes a trip to Bugsy’s worthwhile. Literally a bound book, illustrated with cleverly ironic cartoons, dividing the drinks into categories; my favorite– Batman overlooking Gotham City, martini glass in hand. Each drink, of which there are many, has an intriguing paragraph about the recipe, often referencing the drink’s history. It took me a thoroughly enjoyable ten minutes just to select my first drink, the Dam: Laphroaig 10-year Scotch, limoncello, and Dubonnet Rouge.

While mixing your drinks, the bartenders work at mixing station with yet more under-lighting, focusing attention on the beakers and glasses in play. The drinks are precisely executed and visually appealing. Bugsy’s has an impressive rum collection of roughly 100 bottles.

Bugsy’s has an additional focus on Champagne with a dedicated display case. A section of their menu is dedicated to drinks that include Champagne – the Old Cuban being a good example. The Champagne-based drinks are priced substantially higher than the non-champagne drinks, which is surprising; I’ve not seen this price disparity in other bars. (Though Mrs. Wonk notes that it was pricey, brand-name Champagne marketed to a very style-conscious crowd—the price premium may be something of a status marker.)
Bugsy’s is definitely worth a visit. You’ll want to dress up a bit and savor the style and glamour not often found outside of high-end hotel bars.