Rumba’s Jen Akin on their House Daiquiri Rum Blend

Every so often I see something in a Facebook rum group and think “Gosh, someone should publish this so it…

Demerara Distillers Heritage Stills: A Deep Q&A with Shaun Caleb

Demerara Distillers’ three “heritage stills” are a perennial favorite topic for Demerara rum fans. Each still (Port Mourant, Versailles, and…

The Beechmaster – One Touch Tiki Cocktails

A story about the Bartesian (apparently one of Oprah’s Favorite Things) passed though my Google news feed today. For the…

Stades – A New Barbados Rum Brand Emerges

The West Indies Rum Distillery has announced  via their Facebook page the imminent arrival of their first branded rum: Stade’s…